Employee Educational Benefit Program
The Employee Educational Benefit (EEB) program empowers eligible employees to achieve professional growth and greater job satisfaction by enrolling in traditional degree programs, job-related courses or job-related certificate courses and programs at 世界杯官方app.
Employees may be awarded up to 12 semester credit hours of designated tuition and mandatory fee waivers each fiscal year, but are responsible for payment of statutory tuition and any college or courses fees associated with enrolled course work. For more information please visit the EEB FAQ and Fiscal Services Employee Educational Benefit webpage.
Employees must be currently employed in a benefits-eligible position and have been for the last six consecutive months. They must apply to their desired program and be accepted as a 世界杯官方app student, and meet successful class completion standards.
Programs and Classes
The degree program (or classes, if you are a non-degree seeking student) must be related to your current or prospective job duties.
Programs and classes require approval from your supervisor.
Enrollment During Work Hours
Employees may request time to attend classes during the regular work week. No more than three hours per week during normal working hours may be used during the fall and spring semesters.
This request must be approved by your supervisor before enrolling.
Successful Completion Standards
Successful completion standards, as reviewed by Financial Aid, are as follows.
- Classes are completed, not dropped or listed as incomplete
- Employee receives a letter grade of C or above (specific programs may require higher grade)
- Employee remains in a benefits-eligible position through the semester
If completion standards are not met, funds requested under the EEB will be revoked and the employee will be responsible for any funds due.
Academic Year Standards
Under the EEB, employees are limited to a total of 12 hours per academic year beginning in the fall semester and ending in the summer semester. Unused EEB credits cannot be carried over to the next academic year.
Faculty as Students
Faculty shall obtain written approval from the department chair and dean prior to enrolling in or auditing a class. Tenured and tenure-track faculty members may not pursue an advanced degree at 世界杯官方app, and they are are required to obtain prior written approval of the department chair, dean, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President prior to enrolling in classes with the intent of obtaining an undergraduate degree.
A non-tenure track faculty member wishing to pursue an advanced degree at 世界杯官方app must be recommended by their department chair, and the recommendation must be approved in writing by the appropriate dean.
EEB Form Directions
This form is to be used for an employee to request use of the financial assistance made available by the EEB program. It must be filled out each semester an employee is requesting the benefit.
Section One: Employee Request
- Employee Information
Employee information is needed for processing of benefit. Please make sure the Banner number and Employee ID are accurate. The Employee ID is the same as the PeopleSoft ID. For questions on Banner number, please email SIS Security or call extension 7598.
- Initial Boxes
These five boxes are to be initialed by the employee to document their understanding of eligibility requirements, revoking of funds and tax liability. These boxes do not allow for electronic initials.
- Classes during normal work hours detail
If an employee wishes to take classes during normal business hours, they must list the class title, days and time.
- Degree Program
Employee is to list the level and name of the degree they are pursuing. If the employee is not pursuing a degree, they are to list the class titles they wish to receive the benefit for.
- Employee Signature
Section Two: Supervisor Approval for Degree Program
This section requires a supervisor signature. The supervisor’s signature is approving that the employee's degree program, or classes relate to the employee’s current, or prospective duties. It is understood that the program or classes will allow an employee to do the following:
- Prepare for technological or legal developments
OR - Increase work capabilities
OR - Increase the competence of the employee
Section Three: Supervisor Approval for Enrollment During Normal Working Hours
(Only available for fall and spring semesters)
If the employee requested to take classes during normal working hours, they should be listed in Section One, C. These classes should take no more than three hours during the normal work week.
If a supervisor approves the request to take classes during normal work hours, they can check the box and sign on the approval option.
If a supervisor denies the request to take classes during normal work hours, check the box and sign on the deny option.
Note: A supervisor may approve the degree program in Section Two, but deny the request to take classes during normal work hours in Section 3.
Section 4: Office of People Excellence Verification
The supervisor or employee emails the completed form to People Excellence for completion.
This portion must be filled out before it is given to Financial Aid.
Completed Form
After all sections are complete, People Excellence will email the form to Departmental Scholarships (the requesting employee will be copied) and send the original paper version of the form to Financial Aid office via campus mail.
EEB requests should be submitted for approval no earlier than 30 days prior to the first day of classes for the requested semester. The request should be completed and turned in to Financial Aid no later than the census date of the requested semester.
How much of tuition and fees will the EEB cover?
Each fiscal year, employees may be awarded up to 12 semester credit hours of designated tuition and mandatory fee waivers, but are responsible for payment of statutory tuition and any college or course fees associated with coursework.
- Statutory tuition rates are set by the legislature. Tuition generated from statutory tuition must be deposited in the State Treasury and expenditures from these funds are subject to state expenditure guidelines.
- Designated tuition allows the institution to determine the rate per semester credit hour to be charged. Designated tuition is charged in addition to the statutory and board authorized tuition. Designated tuition must be used to support the academic mission of the institution but maintains more flexibility than statutory tuition. The Board of Regents must approve designated tuition rates.
For a current list of benefit amounts, visit the Fiscal Services.
What is the deadline to request the EEB?
Submit your completed form to Financial Aid no later than the census date for the semester you are requesting the benefit. EEB requests should be submitted for approval no earlier than 30 days prior to the first day of classes for the requested semester. For question on academic dates, email the Registrar or call (210) 458-8000.
Can I use the EEB for classes at a university or college other than 世界杯官方app?
No. The EEB is to be used for courses found in the official 世界杯官方app course schedule.
Do I qualify for the EEB if I am employed under a federal grant?
As long as you meet the benefits eligibility requirement, yes, you qualify for EEB.
How do I get the required signature from People Excellence?
Scan and email the supervisor approved form to People Excellence.Do faculty have additional requirements to be accepted as students at 世界杯官方app?
Yes. In addition to the EEB eligibility, faculty are subject to the following:
- Faculty shall obtain written approval from the appropriate department chair and dean prior to enrolling in or auditing a class.
- Tenured and tenure-track faculty member may not pursue an advanced degree at 世界杯官方app.
- Tenured and tenure track faculty members are required to obtain prior written approval of the department chair, dean, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President prior to enrolling in classes with the intent of obtaining an undergraduate degree.
- A non-tenure track faculty member wishing to pursue an advanced degree at 世界杯官方app must be recommended by their department chair, and the recommendation must be approved in writing by the appropriate dean.
What are successful completion standards?
Successful completion standards are as follows:
- Classes are completed, meaning they were not dropped or listed as incomplete.
- Employee receives a letter grade of C or above, unless the specific program requires a higher letter grade.
Who determines if I have met successful completion standards?
Financial Aid will review the employee's status at the end of the semester. If the employee did not meet the successful completion standards, Financial Aid will contact them.
An employee with an approved degree program requested three credit hours from the EEB program and took a total of six credit hours for the semester. The employee passed one class, but did not pass the second class. Will the EEB funds be revoked?
No. EEB funds will apply to all classes in an approved degree program that meet the successful completion standards first. Any classes not using EEB funds will not be subject to this requirement.
Why can I take classes during normal business hours during fall and spring semesters only?
The classes that occur during summer semesters are condensed and would take an employee away from the work area for more than three hours in one week.
What if my supervisor does not approve my degree program as work related?
This type of supervisor decision may be grieved according to the procedures outlined in HOP 3.04 - Grievances of Non-Faculty Employees. Grievances must be filed within five days of the supervisor's decision.
What if my supervisor approves the degree program, but denies the request to take classes during normal work hours?
This type of supervisor decision may be grieved according to the procedures outlined in HOP 3.04 Grievances of Non-Faculty Employees. Grievances must be filed within five days of the supervisor's decision.
Does the supervisor need to approve each individual class for which I request to use the EEB?
The supervisor only approves individual classes if the employee is a not seeking a specific degree. If the employee is seeking a degree, and the degree is related to the current or prospective job duties, then the supervisor is approving the program as a whole. For example, an employee is seeking a job-related bachelor's degree in accounting. Part of the requirement for this degree may be to take a general science class. The degree is approved as work related, therefore the class may be covered by the EEB.
The same is true for classes taken during normal work hours.
Do I have to use the EEB if I am both a student and an employee at 世界杯官方app?
No, you are not required to use this benefit.
What are prospective job duties?
Prospective job duties are duties, or position, that an employee may be reasonably able to attain at a future date. These duties must be in alignment with current department functions. For example: an employee working as an administrative assistant in the College of Sciences may have prospective duties that involve accounting, grant management or grant writing. This employee could seek a degree that would increase their competency in any of these prospective duties.